Variational Analysis and Optimisation Webinar

Many high quality online optimisation seminars have come to life recently. This is a positive by-product of the current unfortunate epidemiological situation. The series focuses on Variational Analysis and Mathematical Optimisation (as broadly defined), key research interests for many Australian mathematicians.

Since the organisers reside in Australia, our targeted time zones are different from those covered by the existing online optimisation seminars. In the second season of the series, talks will alternate between 11:00 and 17:00 in the local time for the Australian east coast (ie Sydney/Canberra/Melbourne time).

We stand with the under-privileged communities in science and education and all those striving against all forms of racism and discrimination.

Scheduled Talks (4th season)

The series will be taking a season break after December 1st, and will return for a third season in March 2022.

All talk times are listed in Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra time.

The following links can be used to export this webinar seminar to a calendar:

Previous Talks

Date and Time Speaker Title Video/Slides
Wed May 25 2022
17:00 AEST
Alberto De Marchi
(Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Constrained Structured Optimization and Augmented Lagrangian Proximal Methods [Video] on Youtube
Wed May 11 2022
17:00 AEST
Mareike Dressler
(University of New South Wales)
Algebraic Perspectives on Signomial Optimization [Video] on Youtube
Wed May 04 2022
17:00 AEST
Lars Grüne
(University of Bayreuth)
The turnpike property: a classical feature of optimal control problems revisited [Video] on Youtube
Wed Apr 27 2022
17:00 AEST
Andreas Löhne
(Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
Approximating convex bodies using multiple objective optimization [Video] on Youtube
Wed Apr 13 2022
11:00 AEST
Héctor Ramírez
(Universidad de Chile)
Extensions of Constant Rank Qualification Constrains condition to Nonlinear Conic Programming [Video] on Youtube
Wed Apr 06 2022
17:00 AEST
Sorin-Mihai Grad
(ENSTA Paris)
Extending the proximal point algorithm beyond convexity [Video] on Youtube
Wed Mar 30 2022
17:00 AEST
Pham Ky Anh
(Vietnam National University)
Regularized dynamical systems associated with structured monotone inclusions [Video] on Youtube
Wed Mar 23 2022
11:00 AEST
Shawn Wang
(The University of British Columbia)
Roots of the identity operator and proximal mappings: (classical and phantom) cycles and gap vectors [Video] on Youtube
Wed Mar 16 2022
17:00 AEST
Janosch Rieger
(Monash University)
Generalized Gearhart-Koshy acceleration for the Kaczmarz method [Video] on Youtube

Please visit the season 1, season 2, and season 3 for a list of previous speakers, talks, recordings and slides.

How it Works

The webinar will be run via Zoom (no license is required for participants). Please subscribe to the mailing list below. Participants login via a link that will be sent by e-mail. Please keep your microphones muted except for the time you ask a question.

Mailing List

Enter your name and email address here to subscribe to the Variational Analysis and Optimisation Webinar. You only need to do this once for all talks. Remote connection details will be sent 24h before the talk.


Hoa Bui (Curtin, coordinator), Minh Dao (Federation Uni), Alex Kruger (Federation Uni), Guoyin Li (UNSW), Vera Roshchina (UNSW), Matthew Tam (UniMelb)

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